.. djangocms_reversion2 documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed May 24 16:48:47 2017. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to djangocms_reversion2's documentation! ================================================ **UNSTABLE** **Django-CMS Reversion2** is a plugin for **Django CMS** which aims to provide a revision system for **Django-CMS**. These are the **core features** of Django-CMS Reversion2: - **Create PageVersion:** Revisions for page drafts in given language (only if changes were made see :code:`dirty` flag) - **Revert to PageVersion:** Reverting to any previous revision of page - **Trash-Bin:** Moves deleted pages to a hidden PageRoot before really deleting it - **Batch-mode:** Adds reversion for every page (only for superusers) - **Page Permissions**: Integrates with djangocms' pagepermissions - **Multi-editor**: Work on the hidden drafts of PageVersion in order to realize multi-editor workflow To be implemented (see Issues on Github ``_) - Auto-Revisions when reverting from unsaved drafts - Integration with *divio/djangocms_moderation* once they publish a stable release - Build a multi-editor djangocms_toolbar and disable buttons that make unwanted changes Contents -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 topics/Motivation topics/Installation topics/Usage topics/Settings topics/Trees topics/Permissions topics/Tests topics/Todos Disclaimer ---------- No software is perfect, everyone's code sucks. Feel free to suggest, criticize and/or contribute. **Proper Frontend/CMS-Admin Integration** - Currently, we unregister django-cms' default PageAdmin and register our own PageAdmin. The overriding of PageAdmin appears necessary as it provides the only hook into Plugins being moved. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`